Ian and Sarah, Sydney Wedding

A sneaky little look from the wedding I photographed, when a handsome Australian boy married his Welsh Beauty.Mr&MrsTerley_271213_199Mr&MrsTerleyMr&MrsTerleyMr&MrsTerleyMr&MrsTerley_271213_272Mr&MrsTerleyCongratulations Ian and Sarah – we wish you a beautiful life together! x

{Photo of the Day}: Urban Bondi

Urban Bondi


Melbourne Urban Landscape Frenzy



Be brave. Take risks… Nothing can substitute experience.

“Be brave.  Take risks… Nothing can substitute experience. ”

~ Paulo Coelho

Nothing changes, until you change. Everything changes once YOU change.  In order to move forward, you don’t have to have it all figured out. Comfort zones can become constricting zones over time. Because when you leave behind the familiar, you can’t help but be changed by the foreign. Travelling is about the feeling of teetering into the unknown.  On the road nothing is yours except the essential things –the sky, air, the sea, sleep and your dreams.  All great things start from that one idea. That one step. To adventure… to travel..  is to have a story at the end of all of this. The places you see, the people you meet, will fuel you forever.

Seven weeks ago I left London to embark on once in a lifetime opportunity.  5 countries,  12 flights, overnight trains, ferries, boats, buses, tuk tuks, elephant and camel rides later, I have touched down in Australia.  I have photos to prove how beautiful the world is and I have made wonderful friendships demonstrating how utterly fantastic humans can be. Now lets see what Australia has planned for me!

Live the life you love.

Love the life you live.